Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Positions We Fill

DISCOVER STAFFING is always seeking qualified individuals for the following positions:

  • Administrative Assistants
  • Receptionists
  • General Office Support
  • Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable
  • Customer Service Representatives
  • Assembly
  • General Warehouse

    And More!

    We staff in the Gwinnett County, North Fulton County and Cobb County areas. Please submit your resume for consideration: resumes@discoverstaffing.com
  • Monday, May 24, 2010

    Dress Code for the Summer Office

    DISCOVER STAFFING encourages our employees to follow the dress code policies for each of our client sites, however there are always some good rules to follow. You can see our official dress code policy here.

    However, today Anthony Balderrama posted the 10 Taboos for Summer Attire in the Office.

    10 Taboos for Summer Attire in the Office
    By Anthony Balderrama, CareerBuilder.com writer

    When you discuss fashion, you have to acknowledge that no strict rules apply to everyone. For some professions, a suit is the de rigueur attire. In other industries, work clothes make more sense. And plenty of organizations fall somewhere between. During the summer, the rules get even murkier because everyone has his or her own idea of what's appropriate. And if you've taken a look around, you know some people really take liberties with their wardrobe.

    Because we can't address every possible mistake for every workplace, we've put together some guidelines that work for many workplaces. Maybe only nine of the 10 tips apply to your company. Still, the bottom line is that you should put some thought into what you wear, because your wardrobe affects your professional reputation.

    Here are 10 summer-attire taboos:

    1. Flip-flops
    Professional or dressy sandals are acceptable in many workplaces, and you know better than anyone if you work in such a place. Flip-flops and other recreational footwear are rarely acceptable for the same reason blowing a bubble with gum in a meeting is inappropriate: You look out of place and inconsiderate to your audience. Plus, that annoying sound of the flip-flop slapping against your heel will not make you any friends.

    2. Bathing suits in any form
    This tip might sound obvious, and hopefully it is. However, in case it's not, remember that sprucing up your bathing suit with a nice shirt, a belt, shorts or any other accessory will not fool anyone. If you're going straight to the pool after work, just change your clothes in the bathroom or a private office when the day is over.

    3. Sunglasses indoors
    You're not Bono. Yes, the sunlight is blinding when you walk outside or drive to work, but sunglasses don't belong indoors. People can't tell if you're paying attention to them when your eyes are hidden behind dark lenses, and everyone will wonder if your pupils were just dilated.

    4. Shorts
    Shorts automatically take the professional image down a notch, which could be a good thing for some places. For example, if you walk into a store that sells surfboards and wetsuits, you want to be greeted by someone in shorts and a tee, not a suit and briefcase. In most workplaces, however, shorts detract from a professional demeanor. Even nice shorts that are more suited for a day the country club than an afternoon painting your kitchen aren't as pulled together as a pair of pants.

    5. Tank tops
    Regardless of the season, you should be wary of showing too much skin. In the summer, tank tops are prevalent in many wardrobes, and you might be tempted to sport one to work. Don't. From an aesthetic standpoint, tanks make people think of a six-pack of beer, not of a six-figure salary. A professional look should lean more toward the latter.

    Another issue that exists in some organizations is the idea that no one, male or female, should have bare arms. Remember when Michelle Obama took flak for her sleeveless blouses? As with many of these tips, use your best judgment. Unless your occupation involves some form of labor where sleeves affect your work, you should keep your upper arms covered.

    6. Apparel that smells like or carries remnants of the beach
    Who doesn't love the beach? The sun, the waves lapping against the shore, the sand between your toes. If you need to bring a starfish home as a vacation souvenir, by all means, do it. Just don't wear your beach clothes to the office -- especially if they have that aroma of fresh ocean life or are leaving a trail of sand behind you. If, by some chance, your beach wardrobe is suitable for your workplace, at least have the good sense to run it through the washer once or twice.

    7. Funny shirts or shirts from your vacation destination
    Your "I'm Not as Think as You Drunk I Am" shirt might make your best friends laugh, but your boss, colleagues and customers or clients will disagree. Clothing shouldn't announce itself, so steer clear of humor. And shirts bearing the name of your last vacation destination ("Mexico!" or "Missouri: The Show Me State") will probably make your overworked colleagues begrudge your time off.

    8. Not being prepared
    Even if you're allowed to be casual during the summer, have a backup outfit or piece of clothing to dress up your attire. If you're in jeans and a plain T-shirt and your biggest client calls a last-minute meeting, it wouldn't hurt to have a least a blazer or nicer shirt on hand. Being prepared is never a bad thing.

    9. Anything see-through.
    Another tip that should go without saying, but just in case: Skin and undergarments should not be seen through the fabric you're wearing. Lightweight linen that's breezy and comfortable on the beach is inappropriate at work, not to mention uncomfortable for your co-workers.

    10. Testing the limits
    If your employer gives you wiggle room with the dress code by using words such as "appropriate" and "reasonable" to describe acceptable attire, use your brain. A ketchup-stained T-shirt, scandalously short shorts and dilapidated tennis shoes are acceptable in your personal life, but not at work. And you know that. So don't ruin summer wardrobes for everyone.

    Anthony Balderrama is a writer and blogger for CareerBuilder.com and its job blog, "The Work Buzz." He researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues. Follow him on Twitter at twitter.com/abalderrama.

    Friday, May 21, 2010

    Turn Volunteering into a Full Time Job

    With the job market at competitive as it is lately, the more creative you are with finding a job the more opportunities you will have. One common suggestion is to volunteer. Volunteering makes you feel good about what you are doing with your time and in turn that makes you more confident while looking for a job. Yahoo! Hotjobs has this article full of suggestions to leverage your volunteering into a job.

    Volunteering Yourself into a Job
    by Heather Boerner, for Yahoo! HotJobs

    Sandra Erbe volunteered for a Maryland nonprofit for eight months after being laid off in 2008, using her communications skills to do branding and strategic planning for the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center.

    When a communications job became available there, she was first in line--and nabbed the job.

    Volunteering is growing in popularity as laid-off workers look for ways to stay sharp in their fields and stay busy during the job hunt. But done right, volunteering can also land you a job in a company you might not have access to otherwise.

    "Volunteering, sometimes referred to as 'adult interning,' is a great way for someone to hone specialized skills and be in the right place at the right time when a position comes available," says Debra Yergen, the author of the book "Creating Job Security Resource Guide."

    Here's how to make sure the time you donate advances your career:

    Keep it part-time
    "You can't volunteer full-time because then you don't have time to look for a job," explains David Craig, executive director of Work It Up, a Maine-based nonprofit that connects unemployed professionals with volunteer work in their chosen industries. "It shouldn't be more than 20 hours of your week."

    Choose carefully
    Many corporations can't legally or operationally hire volunteers, says Craig, who works with companies to create projects that qualified volunteers can lead.

    Nonprofits are always looking for volunteers, and may be willing to tailor a volunteer opportunity to your skills. You might also target small businesses that have been squeezed by the economy.

    Make your case
    For some companies, a new person without any training is more of a burden than an asset, even if she or he is working for free, says Craig. You can still get your foot in the door--just demonstrate how you'll add value: "You've got to show a company that you will be low-maintenance and self-directed. Come up with a plan for how you can help their business without having a negative impact."

    Treat it like a job
    It's important to show up on time, dress appropriately, work hard, and even stay late on occasion, explains Diane Gottsman, a San Antonio-based etiquette expert who works with job seekers and head hunters.

    "Show them you're committed," she says. "If you just do a little extra, when they're talking about you, they'll say, 'Diane is such a team player.' You want to make yourself indispensable so they want you on staff."

    Network, network, network
    "You may volunteer with kids with the Red Cross, but they have no job openings," says David Couper, a California-based career coach. "The local kids' foundation down the street may, and they'd love to know about your experience."

    Couper says that, no matter what, you'll definitely get the emotional boost that comes from helping others.

    "And when you're engaged in a common purpose, you will make new relationships and contacts that can lead to jobs," he adds.

    Tuesday, May 18, 2010

    5 Pointless Job Search Tactics

    Yahoo! Hotjobs blogger, Liz Ryan, suggests some mistakes that job seekers can avoid when searching for a job.

    The Savvy Networker
    5 Pointless Job-Search Tactics

    by Liz Ryan

    In case the 2010 job-search experience doesn't already have enough in common with pushing a huge rock uphill, here's another jolt of bad news. Lots of conventional job-search activities are a complete waste of time--the job-hunt equivalent of trying to cure warts by swinging a dead cat over a stump at midnight. They just don't work. Here's our top-five list of pointless job-search activities:

    Resume-blast services
    There are vendors who will blast your resume out to zillions of employers for a fee. Only problem: employers are deluged with resumes already. Your unsolicited, uncustomized resume is the last thing they want to see. Skip these services and conduct your own research, using search engines and LinkedIn. Then write to hiring managers directly with targeted overtures.

    Job fairs
    When I was an HR person, job fairs were a fantastic way to hire highly qualified people. Today, job fairs have devolved into thankless, confidence-crushing cattle calls. Save the money you'd spend on dry cleaning and parking to attend a job fair; instead, contact employers one by one after researching their businesses.

    "I'm job hunting" messages on discussion boards
    I moderate a few online discussion groups, and I always feel bad for the folks who join a group to post a message that says, "I am seeking an accounting job" to the other members (that is, total strangers). The odds of getting a job lead that way are slim to none.

    We need to know the people we refer for job opportunities. You're better off spending your online-community time making one-on-one connections, or following up via phone or in person.

    Video resumes
    Imagine the hiring manager sitting at her desk swamped in resumes, cover letters, reference lists, portfolios, and unanswered emails from job applicants. What's her incentive to watch your video resume? There isn't one. Video resumes are a solution in search of a problem. Craft a killer resume and get it out, along with a pithy "pain letter" that explicitly shows how your background makes you the perfect person to relieve a business's pain, to hiring managers instead.

    Spray and pray
    Applying to every job in sight with the same, uncustomized resume is a job-search non-starter. Employers hire people they believe can solve their problems. That belief comes from the understanding of the problem that the job-seeker demonstrates in his or her pitch. Research is the key!

    So, how do people get jobs? They do it through thoughtful, well-crafted letters, resumes, phone calls, and LinkedIn overtures--sent in response to posted job ads or sent to employers who don't currently have jobs posted but who may well have business needs anyway. They do it through networking, and through careful follow-up with the people they know and the new people they meet during a job search. "Hey, I need a job" is not a compelling pitch--but "I think I understand what you're up against, and would love to talk about solutions" most definitely is.

    Liz Ryan is a 25-year HR veteran, a former Fortune 500 VP, and an internationally recognized expert on careers and the new-millennium workplace. Connect with her at www.asklizryan.com. (The opinions expressed in this column are solely the author's.)

    Monday, May 17, 2010

    Part Time HR/Payroll Assistant

    Thank you for your interest in this position. The client has made a hiring decision at this time. We change the content of this blog frequently, so please check back for the most updated job postings.

    DISCOVER STAFFING is currently seeking candidates for a part time position in Sandy Springs. Position is indefinite at this time and not guaranteed to become a permanent opportunity. Hours will be part time typically 8-3 with some flexibility. Must have some experience working with an HR department and assisting with the payroll process. ADP PayForce experience helpful. Position paying $12.00 an hour.

    Please submit your resume to resumes@discoverstaffing.com for consideration.

    5 Things to Never Say in an Interview

    The sad part is that these examples are not uncommon. By knowing about them you can stop yourself from committing these acts while interviewing.

    5 Things You Should Never Say to a Hiring Manager
    By Robert Half International

    An employment interview is stressful. You need to say the right things to convince the hiring manager you're the perfect person for the job. But you also need to be sure your nervousness doesn't get the best of you and cause you to say something you'll regret. Saying the wrong thing can cost you the opportunity, no matter how skilled or experienced you are.

    Here are examples of what not to say to a hiring manager:

    No-no No. 1: "My current boss is a jerk!" or "I left the company because it was a rotten place to work."

    Never badmouth a current or former employer. Even if you have had legitimate issues with a colleague, boss or company, don't air the dirty laundry in front of the person with whom you interview. Complaining about others will just make you appear bitter and resentful and could cause the hiring manager to wonder about your attitude if you were to be hired at his or her firm. Stick to neutral comments such as, "I am looking for a different work environment" or "My career goals have changed" if you're pressed for details about your desire for a new position.

    No-no No. 2: "How much vacation time do I get?" or "What's the bonus structure like?"

    Questions like these tell a prospective employer one thing: You're more concerned about the perks of the position than the job itself. It's OK to ask these questions if you have been through several interviews and the hiring manager has expressed serious interest in hiring you. At that point, these types of inquiries allow you to make an informed decision about whether or not you truly want the job. But until then, focus your efforts on what you can offer the company, not what it can offer you.

    No-no No. 3: "How much longer will this interview take? I have another appointment soon," or "Do you mind if I make a quick phone call?"

    An important part of the interview is, of course, treating the hiring manager with respect. Asking questions like these makes you seem rude, as if the interview were something of an inconvenience for you. Instead, take pains to show how interested you are in the opportunity. Arrive to the interview on time -- or better yet, a few minutes early. Remain attentive throughout the meeting by taking notes and maintaining the right posture: Look the interviewer in the eye; nod when you agree with or understand a point he or she is making; and avoid crossing your arms, tapping your feet or displaying other signs of impatience. If you do have another appointment after the interview, leave a large enough window in case the meeting runs long or let the interviewer know ahead of time.

    No-no No. 4: "I don't want to have to work late," or "I'd rather not learn PowerPoint."

    You don't want an interviewer to view you as inflexible, which is exactly how he or she will if you make statements like these. Keep an open mind about a position that interests you, even if some aspects of it don't seem ideal. Other factors -- such as a higher-than-expected salary or the possibly to advance quickly -- could outweigh the need to work overtime on occasion, for example. At the same time, don't overlook absolute deal-breakers. If you do not want to travel for work, no matter the circumstance, let the employer know the opportunity is not right for you as soon as you realize that.

    No-no No. 5: "Fortunately, my bad habits haven't caught up with me," or "I am one party animal."

    While you want the hiring manager to be able to get a sense of your personality, you don't want him or her to know everything about you. When the hiring manager says, "Tell me about yourself," use discretion and avoid the urge to overshare.

    As a Robert Half survey indicated, strong people skills are among the most valuable qualities a job candidate can display when competing against another person with similar skills and experience. The first chance you get to show your strength in this area is during the interview, so think twice before you speak when meeting with an employer.

    Robert Half International is the world's first and largest specialized staffing firm, with a global network of more than 360 offices. For more information about our professional services, please visit roberthalf.com.

    Monday, May 10, 2010

    Working with Recruiters

    4 Tips for Working with Recruiters
    By David Staiti, Vice President and Practice Manager at The Charles Sterling Group

    A good recruiter can be worth his or her weight in gold to a job seeker. Good recruiters have access to jobs and information about the market, and they can even give you advice that will improve your chances of getting interviews and offers. Many job seekers find working with a recruiter to be challenging, but it doesn't have to be.

    The following four ways to work more successfully with a recruiter may help you with your job search:

    1. Understand what recruiters do
    Recruiters work for their clients because the client pays the bill -- they don't work for their candidates. If you understand this dynamic, you can use it to your benefit. The recruiter's relationship with the client means that he typically has access to inside information. Listen to a recruiter's advice very carefully when it comes to résumé changes, interview coaching, etc. This advice is given to candidates because recruiters know what will maximize a candidate's chances of getting an offer.

    2. Work with the best recruiters
    To find the best recruiters, start by asking colleagues for referrals. Also try to identify recruiters who specialize in your job field, geography, career level, etc. Recruiters want to work with marketable candidates, and that means you want to talk to recruiters who specialize in your discipline.

    Once you have found a recruiter, don't be afraid to ask her about her experience, process and approach to the job search. Recruiters are not obligated to work with you as a candidate, nor are you obligated to work with them. Recruiters will be highly selective about whom they work with, and so should you. A recruiter works for her client, but she is also representing you, so make sure you are comfortable.

    3. Work with them, not against them
    If you have little or no experience working with recruiters, you may be put off by some of the questions they ask. Understand that recruiters need a detailed and thorough understanding of your background, education, work history, compensation, etc. A recruiter may even ask you if you have a criminal history, bad credit or an arrest record. It is best to answer these questions openly and honestly. If you have some skeletons in the closet, it does not mean that the recruiter won't work with you. On the contrary, the recruiter may be able to offer advice on how to handle sensitive subjects (such as a drunken-driving charge).

    You should also openly share feedback with the recruiter throughout the search process. Honestly discuss your career goals, salary expectations, feedback from interviews, level of interest in a given job, etc. The more the recruiter knows about what makes you tick, the more likely he is to find you a job that is a good fit.

    4. Even if you are not actively looking for a job, talk to a recruiter If talking to a recruiter when you are not looking for a job seems pointless, I can assure you it is not. The most valuable candidates to a recruiter are those who are not actively looking for work.

    If you consider a recruiter's point of view, the reason for this is clear. First, employers generally consider employed candidates more favorably than those who are unemployed. Right or wrong, gainful employment suggests that the candidate is good at what she does and relatively stable. Second, a passive candidate means less competition for the recruiter, thereby maximizing the recruiter's chances that he can earn a placement fee. Conversely, if you contact a recruiter when you are actively looking for a job, the recruiter knows that his chances of placing you are minimized because of other competition.

    Finally, and most importantly, a good recruiter can be your eyes and ears on the job market when you are too busy to pay attention for yourself. If a recruiter understands your background and goals, he can contact you if and when a potential opportunity arises. When you have a job that you like, you are probably too busy to keep up on the job market. A recruiter can keep you connected to the market so you don't miss out on a potentially great opportunity.

    David Staiti is a vice president and practice manager at The Charles Sterling Group. David manages the firm's accounting and finance executive search practice.

    Friday, May 7, 2010

    Project Coordinator

    Thank you for your interest in this position. The client has made a hiring decision at this time. We change the content of this blog frequently, so please check back for the most updated job postings.

    DISCOVER STAFFING is currently seeking an experienced project coordinator for a medical manufacturing company in Alpharetta. Temp-to-hire, 8am to 5pm position. Pay rate starting at $15 per hour. Will provide administrative and project coordination support for Project Manager. Will manage, monitor, track, and follow up on project tasks and ensure timelines are met via MS Project. Will coordinate activities across different departments internally and interact with key customers and suppliers. Will prepare documents for internal and external use.

    Bachelor’s degree preferred, 3+ years administrative or project coordination experience. Previous experience in medical device or FDA regulated industry preferred. Must be expert with MS Word, MS Excel, MS Visio, MS PowerPoint, and MS Project.

    Please send resume to resumes@discoverstaffing.com for consideration.

    Sales Support Specialist

    Thank you for your interest in this position. The client has made a hiring decision at this time. We change the content of this blog frequently, so please check back for the most updated job postings.

    DISCOVER STAFFING is seeking a temporary to hire candidate for a financial services company located in Norcross. Ideal candidate will have insurance license with several years work experience in insurance or financial services industry. Job duties to include administrative support to Sales team as well as processing & setting up new business, some training and client support. Must be available to work 2 nights per week until 8 or 9pm and travel overnight 2 or 3 times per year. Salary will depend on experience.

    Please submit resume to resumes@discoverstaffing.com.

    Wednesday, May 5, 2010

    11 Warning Signs

    Anthony Balderrama, my favorite Careerbuilder blogger, has this advice about how to notice potential interview warning signs.

    11 Warning Signs Your Interview Is in Trouble
    By Anthony Balderrama, CareerBuilder.com writer

    During driver's education courses, you learn what each road sign signifies. The two arrows converging means you need to merge. A squiggly arrow means the road winds. "Left Lane Ends" means, well, the left lane ends.

    Sometimes you don't even need the signs to know what to expect. If you see a flurry of red brake lights, you know traffic is not moving. In an ice storm, if the car in front of you is skidding from side to side, you can bet that the road is slippery.

    Job hunts come with their own warning signs, but they're not typically as blunt as the bright yellow and orange signs posted on the side of the road. Instead, you're more likely to get context clues, like the brake lights. The interview process is full of uncertainty for a job seeker, and much of the power is in the interviewer's hands. Sometimes you don't know if the interview is going well. Other times you're so nervous you don't recognize the signs that this company isn't right for you.

    Therefore it behooves you to recognize the warning signs that your job interview is in trouble. Here are 11 warning signs to watch for when interviewing for a job:

    1. You're pretty sure you know how to get to the interview site, but you're not positive.
    Before you can even look for warning signs of a bad interview, you need to get there first. Lisa Fedrizzi-Hutchins is a human resources/compliance administrator who was heading to a job interview earlier this year. She trusted her GPS unit, but realized the directions were incorrect once she was en route. Fortunately she called the company and asked some clarifying questions so that she could arrive at the interview on time.

    2. You're talking more than the interviewer is.
    Job seekers shouldn't dominate more than 40 percent of the conversation, says John M. McKee, founder and CEO of Business Success.

    "Because many job seekers are anxious to show that they are the best candidate for a job, they often dominate the conversation with things like never-ending answers or run-on sentences," he explains. "The interview time may end before they've had adequate time to deal with all the questions the interviewer had prepared."

    3. The interviewer's eyes are on the clock, not you.
    As a managing partner at Winter, Wyman and Co., Mark Gleckman knows the importance of an interviewer's body language.

    "During an interview, be an active observer," Gleckman advises. "Watch your interviewer's body language -- is she glancing at her watch or noticing who is walking by? These could be signs that the interview may not progress to the next phase." He suggests asking the interviewer if you've provided all of the information she was hoping for or if you can offer anything else to get the most out of the interview.

    4. The interviewer decides to take a phone call mid-interview.
    An interviewer should treat you with the same respect he or she expects. Jennifer Mounce, executive coach and interview adviser for Coach Effect, has heard her share of bad interview stories. One manager stopped an interview to take a 20-minute phone call without warning the interviewee, who was told to stay in the room until it was over. When the call was over, the interviewer resumed with the questions, but his mind was obviously elsewhere.

    "Candidates must ask themselves if they want to work for a person who can't give them their full attention for a short period of time or who doesn't have the communication and/or social skills necessary to put the candidate at ease, apologize or explain the necessity of the disruption," Mounce says.

    5. The interview feels like a test of endurance.
    Mounce also warns of employers who hold marathon interviews that last seven hours. Applicants are not asked if they'd like a restroom break, snack or glass of water. Mounce advises you to think about what the job would be like if the interview is this bad.

    6. No one wants to work here.
    An insightful question that many job seekers fail to ask is why the position is available. Or, to frame it so that you sound focused on your future with the company, ask where the employee formerly in the position is today. JR Rodrigues, co-founder of JRBM Software, cautions job seekers to watch for companies with a revolving door.

    "[If] the hiring manager complains to the interviewee about having had his last three hires quit after only a short term of employment, you should wonder about what is causing such turnover and whether this job is for you," he says.

    7. You're participating in a questionnaire, not an interview.
    Kris Alban, director of strategic partnerships for iGrad, keeps a list of questions in front of him when conducting an interview.

    "During a good interview, I will go off-page as certain responses provoke additional questions or I may ask the interviewee to expand on something they said," Alban says. "If you notice your interviewer just running down their list of questions, then you know that you need to engage them more. I definitely become more engaged when the interviewee accompanies their answer with a story that anchors it."

    8. You get snippy with the administrative assistant.
    The interview begins the moment you are on the premises, so don't save your best behavior for the meeting room. Monique A. Honaman, CEO of ISHR Group and a former HR manager, stresses the importance of good manners.

    "I can't tell you how many times I have heard of job seekers being dismissive to certain individuals, and I know hiring managers often ask the receptionist to provide input on the candidates as well as those more heavily involved in the job interview process," Honaman says. "It's not just about having the skills and abilities to do the job; the personality and respect elements are critical, too."

    9. You spend 10 minutes complaining about your last boss.
    Honaman also cautions against going negative during an interview. "Job seekers must never talk negatively about a former co-worker or former boss, even if it seems like this negativity is being encouraged," she warns. "Take the high road. It's an incredibly small world out there and it's amazing who knows who."

    10. The company is in financial trouble.
    "[If] there is a loud argument in the office of the company you are interviewing at stemming from a creditor who has not received payment for his product or services that were purchased by the company, you need to consider whether this company will be able to pay you," Rodrigues says.

    11. The employer doesn't keep his or her word.
    Rodrigues also warns against employers who tell you one thing but do otherwise. Blatant lies are obvious warning signs, but other subtle ones also hint at trouble. If you were given a timetable during the interview but you haven't heard anything since, Rodrigues says you might have fallen off of the interviewer's radar and need to work your way back into his or her view.

    Anthony Balderrama is a writer and blogger for CareerBuilder.com and its job blog, The Work Buzz. He researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues. Follow him on Twitter at twitter.com/abalderrama.

    Tuesday, May 4, 2010

    Receiving Inspector

    Thank you for your interest in this position. The client has made a hiring decision at this time. We change the content of this blog frequently, so please check back for the most updated job postings.

    DISCOVER STAFFING is currently seeking candidates for a Receiving Inspector position in Alpharetta.

    This person insures that the part is exactly what was ordered. Some parts are specifically designed by the engineering team. Will look at engineering drawings, and compare the part, to be sure it matches in every way. Will be catching any flaws before the part is sent to assembly. Must be able to read blueprints and engineering change notices. Must be able to read and interpret engineering drawings. Experience using measurement tools sure as height gages, calipers, micrometers, etc. Must have experience measuring fabricated sheet metal.

    Must know MS Excel and Word. High school diploma or GED preferred. Visual Inspection or Quality Assurance experience helpful.

    First Shift Mon. -Fri.: 7:00am to 3:30pm. Pay starting at $16.00. Temp to hire opportunity.

    Please submit your resume to resumes@discoverstaffing.com for consideration. Please include the job title in your subject line.

    Monday, May 3, 2010

    Essential Functions of A Resume

    In our industry, the resume is the single most important document. However, getting someone to read it for more than a few seconds is very difficult. MSN Career breaks down the four essential functions of a resume so you can put your very best foot forward.

    4 Essential Functions of a Résumé
    Sure it gets the interview, but what else does it do?

    By Donald Asher, author of "The Overnight Résumé: The Fastest Way to Your Next Job"

    Everybody knows that résumés are useful for getting interviews, but not everybody realizes the résumé's other, equally important, functions: It structures the interview process, reminds the interviewer of you after you are gone, and justifies the hiring decision to others. So a good résumé can do four things, each distinctly separate and distinctly important:

    1. First, you gotta get that interview
    The biggest challenge your résumé will ever face is direct competition. It needs to win the interview in the shoulder-to-shoulder battle with other résumés, many of which are from candidates with better qualifications than yours. Some glamour industries, such as the hottest and most successful tech companies, receive in excess of 1,000 unsolicited résumés per day. Following some smart guidelines, you can get interviews and jobs at odds well in excess of 1,000 to one.

    Writing résumés that win interviews requires an understanding of what happens to your résumé when it hits XYZ Corp. It is usually screened by résumé-sorting software and then a human being. These different constituencies for your magnum opus require different strategies.

    Software is patient, and it will read to the bottom of a résumé. You can take keywords from a job posting and mix them in anywhere and the software will find them. A smart résumé writer will find creative, truthful ways to insert all the words that the software might be programmed to seek. These can include major competitors to the hiring company, certain degrees, technical skills and even certain cities, zip codes or area codes. This is a skill that you can learn if you start to think hard about it. Always tell the truth, but find a way to get the sought-after words into your document. The software will find them wherever you put in them in your résumé.

    But humans read differently. They spend only a few seconds before deciding to reject a résumé. With humans, you win or lose in the first 10 lines. Never make a human read more than a few lines to know what you can do for them.

    2. The résumé will structure the interview
    Most interviewers will go right down your employment history, asking questions about each job. Your résumé should not tell the whole story; it should pique curiosity, begging for a clarifying question. (It should not, however, be confusing or obtuse.)

    Incidentally, you should take plenty of extra copies of your résumé to any interview. Your interviewer will often ask for one, and some interviewers ask for several as a ploy to get all of yours away from you. Then they can test your memory. Have plenty of copies and pass this test.

    3. The résumé reminds the interviewer of you after you are gone
    Research has shown that after you are gone, the résumé can overwhelm the interviewer's memory of you in person. A candidate with a good written presentation will be remembered as articulate, well groomed and intelligent; one with a poor written presentation will be remembered as unkempt, inarticulate and ill prepared, regardless of how the candidates actually performed in the interview. Few candidates realize how important this résumé function is.

    The one major exception to the above occurs when an interviewer decides you are lying or grossly exaggerating. In this case all credibility is lost and your written presentation is discounted entirely. Don't cross that line.

    4. Finally, your résumé can justify the hiring decision to others.
    The hiring cycle is getting longer and longer. More people are involved, and everyone is afraid to make a mistake. If you are the wrong hire, it can be very difficult to get rid of you. There are people higher up in the organization who rubber stamp your hire decision without ever meeting you. The better you look on paper, the more comfortable they are with making a decision. Here the wrong résumé can undo every right thing about you.

    Candidates who are referred by friends, or who are interviewing with people they know, may not realize how critical it is to write a winning résumé anyway. Your friend may love you, but somebody upstairs has to be fully satisfied. The résumé better live up to the rest of your presentation, or you could get nixed by someone who never even meets you.

    As you are writing your résumé, keep in mind what you want it to do for you. If you understand what your goals are, and what you want your résumé to accomplish each time you use it, you will do a better job of achieving those goals.

    Donald Asher is the author of 11 books on careers and higher education. His most recent titles include "The Overnight Résumé" from which this article is excerpted, "How to Get Any Job: Life Launch and Re-Launch for Everyone Under 30" and "Who Gets Promoted, Who Doesn't, and Why." He speaks at more than 100 colleges and universities every year.